Upgrading Your License
See How To Buy if you need to purchase a new license. You upgrade your existing license from the Global Settings Window. The 2 most common reasons for upgrading your license are:
#1. You have a DEMO license which will expire soon.
#2. You have a Developer license and want
to upgrade it to a Professional or API license.
All you have to do in either of those 2 cases is click the and follow the prompts.
A 3rd Scenario
The CORE HL7 SQL Schema Engine software will accept 2 different types of full, unrestricted licenses. They are:
#1. The CORE HL7 MS SQL Schema (Professional) License
#2. The CORE HL7 API (Enterprise) License
You may have a scenario arrive where you wish to EXCHANGE one of these PERMANENT licenses with the other type. If this is the case you actually need to DELETE the license (just click and follow the prompts) and then REACTIVATE the new license. You will then need to submit (if needed) a License Move Request to move the OLD license to a new computer / server. See Moving Licenses for more information.