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CORE HL7 SQL Schema Engine


You work with the database and leave the HL7 to us!


New for 2024 the CORE HL7 MySQL Schema Engine! Works just like this Schema Engine except for MySQL, no additional license(s) need to be purchased!


Import HL7 version 2.xx messages directly into your Microsoft SQL Server database with this simple to configure and use system. Create 1 or more easy to follow Schemas of data tables, turn it on and the rest is up to you. Create an instant data warehouse of HL7 message data that makes it extremely easy for you to move data from our schema into your own tables and workflow.


The Main Window

The Main Window


Created entirely in .Net 6 for Windows with our CORE HL7 API this system is blazingly fast.



What is a CORE (or UltraPort) HL7 Database Schema?

Defined: It is a set of SQL objects (tables, etc) residing within a Database which were created with a specific initial structure and naming convention to house HL7 Version 2.xx data.

The naming convention revolves around what we call the Schema Prefix. This is a 2-to-4-character alphanumeric value (beginning with an alpha character) which is used to name any objects created to belong to that HL7 Schema.

The initial structure is derived from a CORE HL7 Definition object which contains structural and syntax information about a particular version of HL7, whether it be ANSI HL7 or Custom HL7 relating to particular vendors or products. It is referred to as the INITIAL structure because, once created, the HL7 Schema becomes dynamic and can expand and grow as it is exposed to HL7 data.


Video: What Is A HL7 Database Schema



Your Next Steps


Review the System Requirements before you try anything.

Download the software if you haven't already.

See Activation for how to get started today.

Explore the Main Window features.

Learn how to configure the Global Settings.

Start Creating Your Schema Profiles.


How to Buy


You can always just contact us or visit our website, but the easiest way to purchase is to use the CORE HL7 License Manager software's Shopping Cart. You can download the CORE HL7 License Manager from our website on the Products Page or directly from HERE.


Core HL7 License Manager Shopping Cart

Core HL7 License Manager Shopping Cart


How to Buy (Alternate)


The software was developed using our CORE HL7 API and will also run using a CORE HL7 API (Enterprise) license which you can also purchase here.


Purchase A CORE HL7 API (Enterprise) License

Purchase A CORE HL7 API (Enterprise) License




5 HL7 Products 1 License



If you need help please don't hesitate to contact customer service.


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