Creating your very first CORE HL7 C# Script.
Creating Your First CORE HL7 Script
Starting with version 3.2.1 of the CORE HL7 Viewer you can create C# Scripts which are designed for use with the CORE HL7 TCP/IP Listener. You can also test CORE Listener scripts by running a Listener Simulation in your CORE Viewer.
Create Scripts for the CORE HL7 Listener

Create and Run custom scripts you write in c#!
You can now create and run scripts you create in c# (C Sharp) in your CORE HL7 Viewer software! These scripts are incredibly powerful and can be used to:
•Restructure, modify, and reformat HL7 messages on the fly in your HL7 message store.
•Extract data from messages including embedded binary documents like Adobe PDF files etc and export it.
•Create new HL7 messages using data from YOUR MS SQL Database using our MS SQL Connector.
•Perform just about any type of task you can think of which can be written in c#!
But wait, there's more! You can also use our FREE HL7 Viewer software to design and test complex c# scripts which you can then EXPORT and IMPORT into our CORE HL7 Script Engine software (in beta, coming soon!). If you would like to join the Beta process for the CORE HL7 Script Engine just Contact Us.
Programmers and coders can review the Scripts Code Reference online help (opens in a new tab).
Script Downloads:
To use Visual Studio you will need the CORE HL7 Script Sandbox DLL (zip file).
Download Example Script CheckPoints (zip file).