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CORE HL7 SQL Schema Engine

Run a Schema Profile Locally


From the Actions Menu just click Run This Schema Locally.


Click Start Running This Profile

Click Start Running This Profile


When you click Start Running This Profile it will begin processing everything associated with your Schema Profile SIMULTANEOUSLY, including:


Examining every folder / file extension pair you selected as your Folder data source(s) (Your Schema Profile Part 2) for HL7 data files.

IF you enabled the TCP/IP MLLP Listener (Your Schema Profile Part 3), it will begin listening on the port # you selected.

IF you enabled database maintenance  (Your Schema Profile Part 1), it will begin executing database maintenance cycles.




Local Execution - Running

Local Execution - Running


As your process runs you will see progress as the trace window scrolls messages and you can see your counters advancing in the top part of the window.





Local Execution - Stop Running

Local Execution - Stop Running


When you are finished running locally just click Stop Running This Profile and close the window.





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