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HL7 C# Script Reference


Library Version (CHS Version) 1.0.0

Library Version (CHS Version) 1.0.0



You can use the CORE HL7 Script libraries to perform an amazing array of HL7 related tasks.


What makes us different? If you're reading this document you are either a software developer or a software facilitator and you know that there are probably thousands of fine companies out there that create 3rd party components, tools, or software plug-ins of some kind. The difference is that we use these libraries to create our own suite of commercial HL7 software. This means that WE are fully invested in making absolutely sure that it works, the core code has been thoroughly tested and used to process literally tens of millions of messages worldwide. And thus, IF you find a BUG in our libraries, it would also typically mean that you have found a BUG that affects OUR products as well. You will be amazed at what that does for the customer service experience and response.






Your Next Steps:


See Architecture and Namespaces for an overview of how the libraries are laid out.

See Getting Started for a quick overview of example source code projects.

Download Example Script Checkpoints (zip file)

For Visual Studio Download the Script Sandbox DLL (zip file)






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