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We are sorry but the feature you want is not available just yet.
Check back soon and try again as all features are coming very soon.
In mid-November 2021 we've begun giving the old TWS website a much needed overhaul. We anticipate that everything will be completed and back on track before January 1, 2022.
We appreciate your patience and forbearance during this time!
Working in IT can be difficult enough and clinical messaging interfaces can often contain a lot of moving parts that all have to work in tandem. Like old style Christmas tree lights, one bulb goes out and the entire tree goes dark.
At TWS we concentrate on producing HL7 solutions that work for you, all the time. So you can go to sleep at night with the confidence that we will still be working for you when you wake up in the morning.
Customer service is very important to us and we take it seriously. We employ no salespeople at TWS. Our entire staff which deal directly with customers is comprised solely of HL7 and medical software interface professionals to provide you with prompt, expert assistance when needed.
Never hesitate to contact us by email at support or by phone 24/7 at our USA Phone: (254) 549-0825 for immediate assistance.